Southern Wines
Grapeseed Oils
Gift Baskets
Real Estate and Private Label
Gourmet Syrups
Jellies & Jams
Salsa & Relish
Spicy Sauces & Treats
Henscratch Farms
980 Henscratch Road
Lake Placid, Florida 33852-5314


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Gift Baskets > Custom Gift Basket


Custom Gift Basket

Create your own Gift Basket using any or all of our unique products. Order our Custom Gift Basket and add your gift selections from our online store to your shopping cart. Gift item prices are added to the Basket and Basket Materials price of $20. Do not select anything you do not want to be a part of your custom basket. Check out to order your custom basket. Our Custom Gift Baskets can be shipped anywhere. Return to our store to purchase additional items.

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